Crate rustc_error_messages

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  • Fluent messages can use arguments in order to programmatically add values to a translated string. For instance, in a localized application you may wish to display a user’s email count. This could be done with the following message.
  • LanguageIdentifier is a core struct representing a Unicode Language Identifier.
  • A collection of Spans.
  • A span together with some additional data.


  • Abstraction over a message in a diagnostic to support both translatable and non-translatable diagnostic messages.
  • Core error type for Fluent runtime system.
  • The FluentValue enum represents values which can be formatted to a String.
  • Abstraction over a message in a subdiagnostic (i.e. label, note, help, etc) to support both translatable and non-translatable diagnostic messages.


  • Custom types can implement the FluentType trait in order to generate a string value for use in the message generation process.


Type Aliases§

  • FluentId 🔒
    Identifier for the Fluent message/attribute corresponding to a diagnostic message.
  • Type alias for the result of fallback_fluent_bundle - a reference-counted pointer to a lazily evaluated fluent bundle.